Be prepared Seattle! Seattle Skyline Could Collapse in Big Quake

Here is an article that should be or serious interest to Seattle and Pacific Northwest Residents as well as the World. The article is from Discovery News:

Someday soon, an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 or greater will hit the city of Seattle. It isn't a matter of 'if,' it's 'when.' And if a new study is right, the city's high-rise buildings are at greater risk of collapse than anyone ever knew.

The Pacific Northwest region of North America is home to perhaps the most dangerous fault on the planet, the Cascadia megathrust. Scientists believe the fault ruptures every 300 to 500 years, producing some of the most powerful quakes the world has ever seen..

Read more about also about the Good Friday Alaska Earthquake.

A Seattle earthquake of a 9.0 may in fact be very similar to the 1964 Alaska Earthquake.

IMPORTANT READING: Read Eyewitness Accounts of the 1964 Good Friday Alaska Earthquake

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